Nathan L. Good, Inspire Leaders

                                                                            NATHAN L GOOD

Nathan enjoys helping individuals and organizations be the best that they can be. In 2018 Nathan began working with Walter, learning the Customized Coaching process and integrating it with his own passions and experience. He is now the sole owner of Customized Coaching LLC.  


Nathan has started two 501(c)3 non-profits, one business, and worked as a pastor for over 10 years. He has guided medium size businesses through leadership transition, designed and taught a course to guide high school juniors preparing for their transition out of high school, and facilitates learning communities for leaders looking to grow together. He also recorded a CD with his family band, plays over 10 instruments, managed an electrical assembly shop with 6 employees, designed circuit boards that are sold around the world, and has successfully harvested 10 acres of sweet corn.


Nathan has a B.A. in Sociology, a B.A in Psychology, and a M.Div with a leadership focus. He is certified as an Executive Coach by the Center for Executive Coaching. He is also certified as a Marriage Coach by Prepare/Enrich.

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